Creative Dignity is a collaboration of over 2,000 organisations, focusing on relief, rehabilitation, and rejuvenation for India’s rural artisans.
Member Posts
Why ‘systems change’ in 2021 demands better technology
Systems change efforts need technology to help them successfully scale, says Jim Fruchterman, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Tech Matters.
Scale smarter solutions and systems through investing in Social Entrepreneurs
As the G7 prepare to meet in the UK in June and the G20 in Italy in October, our community of social entrepreneurs and experienced problem solvers would like to bring to your attention already existing solutions which are ready to scale.
From Band-Aids to Blueprints
Tim Hanstad, CEO of the Chandler Foundation, writes about inequality and how social investors need a shift in mindset to focus on long-term solutions to building a better world.
Here’s how to empower people for grassroots change
Rana Dajani, Founder of We Love Reading, Jordan, says: To give ourselves the best chance at meeting the SDGs, we must engage with those people at whom the goals are targeted.
My year of Catalyst 2030 – the global movement of social entrepreneurs
Kristine Pearson, Founder and CEO of Lifeline Energy, says she skeptically added her name to a collective of social entrepreneurs on a WhatsApp group that was chatting about collaborating in scale. The discussions focused on creating a volunteer social movement to accelerate the delivery of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using transformative systems change approaches.