Brazil Chapter
Development Stage
Number of members
207Collaborations chair(s)
Contact person
Gisela Solymos
I believe in working collaboratively to bring real and sustainable change
Leonardo Letelier
Paula Pena
Gisela Solymos
I believe in working collaboratively to bring real and sustainable change
Vaney Fornazieri
Mia Haughton
Ana Fontes
Edmundo Lima
Fernanda Dall Antonia
Sônia Bonici
João Paulo Pacifico
Priscila Pasqualin
Maria Luisa Sader
Rafael Maretti
Mayara Cabeleira
Valdeci Ferreira
Ricardo Lauricella
Raphael Mayer
Adriane Menna Barreto
Leonardo Letelier
Maure Pessanha
Gabriel Cardoso
Acting in a collaborative and systemic way is one of our principles, especially when the focus is on achieving the SDGs and promoting social innovation
Ana Lucia Viçoso da Cruz Almeida
To colaborate and connect with other organizations in order to achieve SDGs
Vanderlúcia Silva
Ralf Henrique Frinzi Toenjes
Sergio Andrade
Viviane Rose Fowler
Be part of an active global movement expanding knowledge, networking and opportunities for action.
Edgard Barki
Luciane Coutinho
Vanessa Bulhões
Monica Pasqualin
To potentialize efforts and outcomes. The challenges we, people of this planet, are facing still are tremendous and collaboration is key to tackled them. We are one!
Amanda Lima
Larissa Lima
To contribute to the movement, I hope to leverage my expertise and resources at SIB Impact to facilitate collaboration among diverse stakeholders, promote the application of the SIB Game, and drive innovative solutions that address pressing social and environmental challenges. In return, I am looking to receive insights, support, and connections from the community that can enhance our initiatives, foster partnerships, and amplify our collective impact towards achieving the Sustainable Developmen
Merula Steagall
Onofre de Araujo
Amanda Monteiro
Rodrigo Ferreira
Sérgio André Martins
Ekaterina Matveeva
As a social entrepreneur, I share the goals of other Catalyst members to make an impact on certain areas of our lives. Mine is education.
Rafael Calcada
Vandré Luiz Meneses Brilhante
Joining Catalyst 2030 expresses my commitment to driving impactful change and advancing the SDGs by 2030. Catalyst 2030’s mission to catalyse cross-sector collaboration and unleash our collective potential for global systems change aligns with my values. Its emphasis on accountability, co-creation, collaborative eadership, and generosity fosters a shared purpose crucial for achieving the SDGs.
Cristiana Velloso
I hope to contribute with my time and skills to make a positive impact on society. By joining Catalyst I'M looking forward to connect with like-minded individuals and build a strong community of support. I'm also looking for personal growth by gaining experience with different things and I believe in the positive social impact of a group such as Catalyst.
Izadora Mattiello
Sergio Serapião
Marta Goncalves
Fabio Bibancos
Francine Kliemann
-Joint advocacy, arts&social change, thought-leadership, -Funding and partnerships
Rosenildo Ferreira
Essa motivação vem do desejo de ajudar a construir a sociedade na qual gostaria de ver os meus netos viverem.
David Hertz
Flora Bitancourt
Luis Salvatore
Beatriz .
Bhaskar Devam
Eugenio Scannavino Netto
Ivo Herzog
Paula Fabiani
Daniel Contrucci
Alexandre Amorim
Danilo Teixeira
Flavia Feliz
To connect to a global network interested in contributing to sustainable development and leadership development towards sustainability.
Emerson Martins Ferreira
Fátima Matos
Espero contribuir com o Catalyst 2030 compartilhando as práticas e aprendizagens do meu trabalho com crianças vulneráveis e suas famílias. Pretendo colaborar em projetos conjuntos, oferecer insights sobre desenvolvimento socioemocional através da literatura, e apoiar a criação de iniciativas inclusivas que promovam a resiliência e o bem-estar das comunidades atendidas. Em troca, espero receber da comunidade Catalyst 2030 acesso a uma rede global de empreendedores sociais, oportunidades de apren
Jonas Lessa
Haroldo Rodrigues de Albuquerque Junior
Mariana Madureira
My motivation for joining Catalyst 2030 comes from a strong commitment to social change and the belief in collective action. I am passionate about addressing social inequalities and finding sustainable solutions. Catalyst 2030’s mission to unite social entrepreneurs and change-makers aligns with my values, offering opportunities to collaborate with diverse stakeholders and share insights. This community empowers us to create meaningful impact together in addressing pressing global challenges.
Flavia Antunes
Eliane Trindade
Heloisa Garcia Mota
Roberta Faria
Flávia Villela
Ricardo Podval
Pedro Ronan Marcondes
Lina Maria Kempf
Marina .
monica gregori
Joao Bernardo Casali
Fernando Assad
Maria Teresa Corção Braga
Caetano Scannavino
Silvia Caironi
Improving our networking and funding
Valdir Cimino
Rodrigo Baggio
ana lavaquial
Accelerate the awakening about the crises and boost transformation of the world through socioenvironmental education, with focus on youth and women.
Katie Weintraub
Renata Ferreira Chagas
Selma Moreira
Paula Brandão
I hope to contribute to collaborative initiatives for a more equitable world. I believe in the power of the collective as a driving force for transformations. I hope to find spaces for meetings and exchanges at Catalyst to foster new ideas
Iseli Reis
Natalie Melare
Carlos Pereira
Adriana Boscov
Rita da Silva
acho a iniciativa importante para o fortalecimento da sociedade civil. Com apoio financeiro e coma a participação da minha equipe nos projetos aqui no Brasil. Boas propostas
Mathieu Anduze
Stephanie Velozo Crispino
Guilherme Rodrigues
My motivation is to join a powerful global community of people that want to change the status quo to a more fair economic environment
Renato Rebelo
Isabela Beato
Camila Storti
Andrea Gomides
Sylvia Guimarães
Márcia Rolon
Rodrigo Pipponzi
William Freire
Julia Mendonça
Suzana Padua
Raquel Barros
Gisele Abrahao
Andrea Margit
Patricia Silva
Isadora .
Tomás de Lara
To foster multi-stakeholder collaborations in order to advance the agenda 2030
Nicola Gryczka
I believe that only collectively we can actually shift the paradigm.
Andreia Schroeder
Benjamin Bellegy
Mariana Nakajuni
Patricia Rieper Leandrini Villela Marino
Marcel Fukayama
Sofia Homem de Mello Faria
Sebastião Alves
Cocriar com outros membros dessa rede e partilhar experiências que possam contribuir para a transformação das circunstâncias atuais visando atingir os ODS.
Pietro Rodrigues
Pablo Collada
Luiza Kormann
Juliana Tenório
Cecilia Ramos
Vera Cordeiro
I would like to participate in master class and be able to share Dara Institute opportunities and challenges that we have passed through as well as the impact of our social methodology.
Daiane Porto
I am part of the world and I need to contribute so that everyone has the opportunity of a dignified life, it is my job to protect and fight for the environment and seeing that there are people all over the world who think like me is something sensational.
Jane Santos
Luiza Serpa Zambrotti Martins
Luciana Moreira
Alan Maia
International Network Connections on Social Good Sphere.
Flavia Peixoto de Avezedo
I believe that collaboration is key to promote change and solve complex problems, such as poverty erradication.
Daniela Pereira de Souza
Tatiana Saramago
Marcia Donadel
Thaissa Grossmann
My main motivation to be part of the Catalyst is to lead change and be the change I believe for our community!
Maira Prado
Bia Mion
Ana Luisa Caldas
Network with changemakers to promote iquality of human rights and opportunities for a prosperous life
Aude Anquetil
Caroline Garrett
Marina Zanin Negrão
Leticia do Valle
Liana Varon
Luis Al
Sophie Monaghan
Mirella Domenich
Sameera Mehra
Gabriela Gonçalves
Dinkim Sailo
Juliana Tenório
Aventura de Construir is an organization that wishes to improve conditions for micro and small businesses in Brazil, seeing enterpreneurship as a method to both complement income for impoverished populations as well as creating new opportunities for people whose living conditions has denied them other chances in life. We also have been creating and perfecting methodologies for social impact evaluation since 2012, assessing and bringing forth new knowledge on the theme and making sure social impact can be realized to its fullest potential when talking about NGOs.
Raquel Celso
Andréia Laplana
Gabriela Veras
Jacqueline Michelleto
Erika Sanchez Saez
João Pedro Megid Carrilho
Connect with other like minded persons that believe they can change the world for better!
Gustavo Fonseca
In the early classes at the business university, I was taught that a company is defined by "one or more individuals engaging in any activity with the aim of making a profit". That never made sense to me; I truly believe that all the techniques, methods, and innovation from the businesses world can and should be used to create a better society. Being a part of Catalyst 2030 is an excellent opportunity for me to connect with people who share this belief and put this vision into practice every day.
Juliana Ramalho
Lucas Melara
My name is Lucas Melara, and I am the Chair Designer at LM&Co, a design agency driven by a strong commitment to creating social impact. As an agency dedicated to leveraging design as a force for positive change, we believe that collaborating with Catalyst 2030 would provide us with an invaluable platform to amplify our impact, collaborate with a diverse network of change-makers, and contribute towards achieving the SDGs.
Jane Montoro
Armando Bruck
A world where justice prevails, differences are respected, and all people have the opportunity to live with dignity.
Juliana Dib Rezende
Luciana Chinaglia Quintão
Eduardo Pacheco
To inspire, to share, to interchange
Gracie Hopstein
Stella Moraes
Como tenho muitos anos de experiência em desenvolvimento local de comunidades em situação de pobreza, com trabalho de Emancipação feminina, onde temos impactos comprovados, é da minha vontade compartilhar essa experiência para o bom aproveitamento em outras áreas. Da mesma forma que quero aprender com outras iniciativas que complementem o meu trabalho.
Thayná Nascimento dos Santos
Paola Mariana
Claudia Pontes
Karolina Bergamo
Thais Lazzeri
It's the chance to be alongside other agents of change, to learn a lot, and to exchange knowledge to expand and scale the work
Ana Flavia Godoi
Gisele de Araujo Pereira
I want to connect and collaborate with other members mainly in my area of work that is related to fundraising. I wanna learn from others and I also offer my knowledge to help who is strating on this amazing job that is to bring money and resources to help organizations to realise their missions making the world a better place to be in.
Ricardo Catto
IDG movement
Harley Nascimento
Ana Parente
Captacao Gastromotiva
Candace ("Cindy") Lessa
julia chacur
Cristina Yoshida Fernandes
Amalia Eugenia Fischer Pfaffle
Through our emphasis on gender issues, we have managed to encompass various cross-cutting themes, such as water, sanitation, and hygiene, food and agriculture, corruption, peacebuilding, COVID-19 and health, disabilities, education, sustainable energy, equality/human rights, refugee integration, justice, environment, livelihoods, fashion, climate change, child protection, structural racism, disaster response, mental health, financial services, and digital transformation.
Ricardo Ramos
Lucas Gimenes
Claudio Fernandes
Carola Matarazzo
Carolina de Miranda
Ian McKee
Carrot strives to contribute by demonstrating a powerful method of catalyzing systems change that positions the Circular Economy as a fundamental pillar for global decarbonization. Our hope would be to expand our network of like minded individuals and organizations by connecting with other members who are dedicated to the SDGs that we are to identify potential synergies between our project and theirs, and find meaningful ways to collaborate.
Juliana Gatti Rodrigues
Be part of a leading group that promotes social innovation; networking, funnding opportunities, learning, collaborating
Felipe Jardim
Change sanitation conditions for everyone. Provide information and technical support to help promote quality water and health.
Andreas Ufer
We are an intermediary organization in Brazil catalyzing the field of social change. We work within networks of networks, focusing on systems change and are very interested to connect to like minded organizations, exchange approaches and foster collective action.
Thiago Trevenzoli Julien de Rezende
As a project manager at Água Camelo, driven by both my environmental management background and deep commitment to socioenvironmental action, I view Catalyst 2030 not just as a movement, but as a shared mission. I bring to the table the practical lessons learned in managing Água Camelo's on-the-ground projects. Navigating community partnerships, implementing sustainable water solutions, and adapting to diverse environmental realities – these are valuable insights I'm eager to share and learn.
Marcelo Doria
cocriar e colaborar com projetos ágeis que ofereçam soluções para problemas ambientais e sociais locais, deixando um legado claro de contribuição para construção de um mundo melhor.
Ines Rocha
fortalecimento das propostas colocadas por cada grupo
Bernadette Castilho
Collaboration and sharing experiences are very important to solve the social, environmental and economical problems that we are facing on. I believe on the power of a diverse community.
Leonardo Andrade
To connect and create concrete impact towards SDGs
Déborah De Mari
As the founder and CEO of Força Meninas, I am driven by a commitment to empower young girls in STEAM fields and bridge the gender gap in science and technology. Joining the Catalyst community aligns perfectly with my mission, as it presents an opportunity to collaborate with a global network of change-makers who are equally dedicated to accelerating the achievement of the SDG.I aim to contribute to a global movement actively constructs mechanisms to dismantle systemic barriers that girls faces.