Uganda Chapter
Development Stage
Number of members
69Collaborations chair(s)
Contact person
Nsimire Aston
To connect with social entrepreneurs across the world and build big community to solve most Africa problems affecting youth
Eliya Mutabazi
"I was motivated to join Catalyst as Program Manager of RESDA Africa because of the organization's innovative approach to empowering refugee and host communities through sustainable agriculture and skills development. I am passionate about creating positive impact and driving change in the lives of marginalized communities. RESDA Africa's mission resonates deeply with me, and I am excited to contribute my skills and experience to help scale their impact. Additionally, I am drawn to the organization's commitment to community-led initiatives and its focus on addressing the unique challenges faced by refugee and host communities. I believe that my role as Program Manager will enable me to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others, and I am eager to be part of a team that shares my values and vision."
Brian Maina
Tusiime Kenneth
I believe in creating unconventional solutions to humanity's greatest problems and as a catalyst, I get the networks, resources and opportunity to do exactly that!
Daphne Nederhorst
Stephen Tumwesigye
Dan Busobozi
Joseph Bamwite
Irene Mutumba
Strategic networking, learning and sharing
To improve the livelihoods of the communities .
Stephen Rwagweri
We assembled 23 years career experience into a social innovation titled Traditional Artisans inclusion which we wish to scale across Africa. We see Catalyst 2030 as a collaborative global platform from where we can build partnership, networking, collaboration for information sharing, knowledge building, technical and financial support required to scale the innovation. The Traditional Artisan Inclusion model (TA – I model) 1. The targeted development problem We are addressing industry and market exclusion leading to extreme poverty among traditional artisans in Africa who have artisan heritage as the only resource. Due to the neglect of the sector in modern capacity development investment, the persisting traditional artisans are remote rural and urban slum women and youth, indigenous people, the elderly, the chronically sick, persons with disabilities and the displaced who lack alternative source of income. Their ancient designs haven’t been consolidated as a distinct product line to generate its own relevant market in museums, research and cultural centers and streamline stages of crafting evolution, creating story diversity and increased market value. Due to their unique limitations of being generally illiterate, digitally excluded, physically and technically incapacitated, they are left out of the existing modern capacity development investment, elitist training models and the entire growth of the sector which now globally stands at the value of US$ 500 billion (2020) and growing at 20% per year (PBP, 2021). Amidst extreme deprivation, as a last resort, they cling to their artisan heritage, seeking source of livelihood, resilience, social relevancy and therapy. They constitute the poorest production group with individuals living on less than US$ 2 a day. In Africa, artisan practices exist in every community as a source of livelihood and a space of innovation, recreation and enhancing spiritual and social relationships. The sector is second to agriculture in providing employment and source of livelihood among people at grassroots and it has absolute advantage in reaching out and reclaiming productivity accompanied with therapy and restoration of social relevance among the most technically and physically incapacitated demographics and hence driving equity and inclusion. In 2024 sector mapping report Uganda acknowledges that the bulk of artisan skills are trapped in informal sector (MGLSD, 2014). Globally 60% of the workforce is informal and ILO estimates 300 million people to be underserved as home workers and many of these are traditional artisans. Using innovative tools and strategies to mitigate their unique limitations and build their capacity to meet market demands, availing their products to global markets through digital marketing solutions, traditional artisans will improve incomes and move from living on less than US$ 2 a day. 2. The targeted population category This innovation develops artisan products to access global market for the benefit of traditional artisans who are impacted by capacity development services and the overall transformative effect of the business. Traditional artisans are an economic category who manufacture goods using hands or simple tools individually or in small groups, relying on traditional skills and practices. Production and marketing is informal. Because the sector is relegated in investments, the persisting traditional artisans are remote rural and urban slum women and youth, indigenous people, the elderly, the chronically ill and the displaced who have limited economic alternatives and their endangered cultural materials and artisan practices are the only resources they have. There are often people in conditions of either extreme deprivation or technically and physically incapacitated that they retreat to handmade for source of livelihood, social relevance and therapy. 3. The development solution/TA – I social innovation a) The definition Traditional Artisan Inclusion model employs innovative tools and strategies to empower market excluded traditional artisans in Africa to consolidate ancient and create adaptive designs and delivering products to the global market through an online marketing platform linked to partner platforms, trade fairs and agencies. b) The core process of the model 1. Innovative training tools which are customized to unique limitations of traditional artisans, are developed and periodically reviewed 2. A network of community based TA - Inclusion facilitators, developed, grown and periodically appraised 3. Traditional artisans are mobilized and recruited pairing the elderly with the youth for intergenerational sharing 4. A catalogue and cataloguing frame which juxtaposes the ancient and adopted designs is developed and periodically updated and used in training and marketing 5. Three training modules using innovative and customized tools and focusing on consolidating ancient designs, creating adaptive designs, business and digital marketing are applied on cohorts of traditional artisans 6. Established and constantly developed and utilized an online marketing platform linked to other partner platforms, international trade fairs and agencies. 7. Craft categories with high market value including consolidated and adaptive designs are identified, production commissioned and products availed to global market through online marketing platform linked to partner platforms, international trade fairs and agencies. 8. Spontaneous, dramatic, ongoing and informal sharing of skills that develop into a chain training system is encouraged through awards c) The unique aspects of the model 1. Recognizing and targeting traditional artisans as a distinct production group 2. Innovative tools and strategies that are customized to the unique capacity, physical, technical and contextual limitations of traditional artisans 3. The strategy of pairing the elderly and the youth for intergenerational sharing of skills, knowledge, capabilities and perspectives 4. Encouraging ongoing, dramatic and spontaneous sharing of skills developing into a chain training system 5. Balancing sourcing of products for marketing with capacity development of the makers which is informed by the robust market and product research 6. Consolidating ancient designs into a distinct product line and create its relevant market in museums, cultural and research centers   4. The theory of change of TA – I model Preconditions 1. Applying innovative strategies of mobilizing and constantly engaging traditional artisans where the elderly are paired with youth. 2. Recruiting, training, inducting, periodically appraising and constantly engaging community based TA Inclusion facilitators 3. Applying 3 module customized capacity development to traditional artisans using innovative tools on consolidating ancient designs, adapting to changing lifestyle, business enterprise building and digital marketing skills 4. Developing and constantly updating master catalogue and cataloguing frame and utilizing in training and marketing. 5. Established and constantly developed and utilizing online marketing platform linked to partner platforms, international trade fairs and agencies 6. Ongoing encouragement of dramatic and spontaneous sharing of skills developing into a chain training system Required inputs to realize the preconditions include funding inform of grants, and equity and support in form of technical assistance, information and networking. Outputs 1. Established, constantly reviewed and applied innovative and customized capacity development tools and strategies 2. Traditional artisans who include the elderly paired with youth, trained in three modules 3. Established, periodically updated and constantly utilized in training and marketing a master catalogue and cataloguing frame 4. Established, utilized and constantly developing online marketing platform 5. Functioning partnerships with other online marketing platforms, international trade fairs and agencies 6. Market ready products in form of ancient consolidated and modern adapted designs 7. Sales and revenues on products of traditional artisans from international marketing and trading activities. Outcomes After undergoing a complete process of capacity development activities, traditional artisans who include the elderly paired with youth, are increasingly consolidating ancient designs into a distinct product line and availing products to newly developed specific relevant market in museums, culture and research centers. They are also increasingly adapting design skills to changing lifestyles and producing adapted styles. They are adapting technology enabled marketing and accessing the global craft market. They are managing business relationships with value chain partners and building viable micro artisan enterprises which are attracting further training, business financing, capital investments and marketing partnerships from ecosystem institutions. Ancient and adaptive designs are emerging as clear separate product categories, streamlining evolutionary stages in crafting, creating diversity of themes and stories and uses with associated increased market value. Long-term outcomes Traditional artisans in Africa who include the elderly and the youth competitively accessing global craft market and effectively integrated in capacity development programing and mainstream creative manufacturing sector and creating jobs across the value chain. Impact Traditional artisans in Africa who include the elderly and youth and predominantly of female gender increase incomes, improve livelihood and welfare and moving from living on less than US$ 2 a day per individual. Key assumptions 1. The economic, political, social, legal and health environment in targeted countries in Africa remain conducive 2. The most effective way of creating incomes among traditional artisans in Africa, who have artisan practices as the only resource is to improve capacity to access market 3. Consolidating ancient designs into a product line instead of only fusion of ancient and adaptive aspects, can diversify market and increase benefits to traditional artisans 4. The employed innovative mobilization and training strategies to traditional artisans, can mitigate their unique limitations and effectively boost their capacity. 5. The traditional artisans will access sufficient internet and power for minimum required digital operations   The theory of change TA Inclusion model   5. Pathways and vision of scale Every community in Africa has craft practices and conditions of neglect of the sector are also common. The global craft market is potentially abundant. We plan to reach 2 million artisans, transform 1.5 million artisans into competitive market producers, 1.5 million active users of digital marketing platform, create 3 million jobs and increase family incomes by 90% in 5 years after pilot. We shall scale by hybrid model. Through partnership and collaborations and leveraging the ecosystem of social impact, we shall increase our global crafts market share and African countries where we develop makers, prioritizing where the sector is least developed. Expand by re-investing earnings and attracting impact public funding and institutionally engaging in collaborations, joint venture and franchise arrangements. While for profit can handle both capacity development and trading, the nonprofits handles capacity development and links producers to for profits to advance with trading. We are already a member of Catalyst 2030, a global collaborative platform of 3,000 organizations. We use this and other networks to establish collaborations and partnerships around scaling this innovation.
Daniel Kisekka
I am motivated by the passion to make positive and long lasting impact to the community
Moses Ssenyonjo
I met Debbi in New York and she shared about catalyst and its goals. I then made a decision to join
Harriet Mukajambo
I am very enthusiastic about achieving SDGs and Catalyst 20230 gives an opportunity to share,learn from a global pool of likeminded people
Nsimire Aston
To connect with social entrepreneurs across the world and build big community to solve most Africa problems affecting youth
Edwin Wanabe
I hope to contribute innovative strategies, grassroots insights, and collaborative projects to the movement, amplifying efforts for children's rights and education. From the community, I seek support, shared knowledge, and partnerships to enhance our impact, ensuring sustainable, inclusive solutions for the challenges faced by African children.
Hannes VdE // Rootical
Mukasa Abdul Nassar
Albert Juma MUtabazi
Innocent Turyahikayo
Shauna Davidson
Walusimbi Raymond
its a very good idea
Isaac Ssekamwa
Andrew Auruku
Rehema Namukose
Sylvia Nalubega
I wanted to be part of a large network of change makers, to learn from them and also amplify my work.
Alex Kelly
Bemeriki Bisimwa Dusabe
Kyimiza Caroline Hyvon
Tusiime Kenneth
Ziwa Hillington
To have Increased accountability and knowledge towards the business impact goals and systems thinking as well as access to impact investment networks.
Balyahamwabo Paulin BASHONGA
I joined the movement to be part of the Cocreator and catalyst of change but also sensitize other to join for a joint advocacy, hoping also that the movement will help to connect me to ressourcefull people and funding to contribute to achievement of the common goal.
Beau Milliken
Lamwaka Alice Veronica
Odongo Martin
C30 is topnotch
To build networks with like-minded people that are interested in advancing the SDGs
Mugisha Paul
I want to be part of change makers that are making the world a better place
Charles Haskins
Networking, exchange of ideas, meeting likeminded individuals
Phillip Mwebaza
The primary motivation for joining Catalyst 2030 was the opportunity to be part of a global movement dedicated to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through innovative, collaborative, and impactful solutions. The ethos of Catalyst 2030 resonated deeply with our mission at the AFHEG Foundation, as we strive to enhance climate-health literacy and address pressing health challenges in Uganda. We look forward to forging meaningful partnerships that can support our initiatives.
James Ssekikubo Katumba
This global movement provides us with a unique platform to collaborate on a larger scale, learn from the experiences and innovations of fellow members, and replicate successful strategies that align with our mission of driving sustainable development. By being part of this dynamic community, we can not only accelerate our impact but also contribute to the collective effort in reshaping systems and advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
Geoffrey Kanyarwanda
I have passion to make a lasting impact in the community
Jackie Nelima
A friend told me about the good things that he had learnt from catalyst and how he was using the ideas and resource to impact others in his community, This made me to be interested to be part of this amazing global group to learn from the different people and also use the ideas to make an impact in my community. Am always looking forward to this global movement
Benuza Jane
Emmanuel Gabriel Ndayambaje
As the Co-founder and CEO of Afrixyz, my motivation to join the Catalyst 2030 community stems from a deep commitment to leveraging technology for social impact and sustainable development. Having experienced firsthand the challenges of food insecurity and economic hardship during my 12 years in refugee camps, I am driven to create lasting positive change in undeserved communities. How and What I Hope to Contribute: I aim to bring my expertise in technology-driven solutions for agriculture.
Haylie Wright
Continuous improvement and creativity are some of our core values. We are always looking for opportunities for collaboration, and we know this is an exciting opportunity for growing in our collective ability to serve war-affected and vulnerable communities across the world. We have seen our theory of change improve thousands of lives across Africa and Eastern Europe, but we are always thrilled by seeing how we can adopt new-to-us ideas and solutions from like-minded people across the world.
Eliya Mutabazi
"I was motivated to join Catalyst as Program Manager of RESDA Africa because of the organization's innovative approach to empowering refugee and host communities through sustainable agriculture and skills development. I am passionate about creating positive impact and driving change in the lives of marginalized communities. RESDA Africa's mission resonates deeply with me, and I am excited to contribute my skills and experience to help scale their impact. Additionally, I am drawn to the organization's commitment to community-led initiatives and its focus on addressing the unique challenges faced by refugee and host communities. I believe that my role as Program Manager will enable me to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others, and I am eager to be part of a team that shares my values and vision."
Wane Rusagara
To contribute to catalyst 2030 and make the world a better place to live.
Noa Muhoozi Kainerugaba
My lived reality characterised by hands on experience and extensive knowledge and skills in the context of human rights that I have gained in recurrent advocacy engagements make me a worthwhile investment to this movement. I believe in the power of networking and intentional collaboration and I hope this community will aid my further future professional prospects and career goals development.
I am motivated to join Catalyst 2030 to enhance meaningful participation in global development initiatives, learning from diverse, innovative approaches to social change. The opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and organizations will foster collaboration and exchange of ideas, bolstering my efforts in Kyaka II refugee settlement. Additionally, sharing opportunities and resources through this platform will amplify the impact of local RLOs and CBOs.
Rugamba Creus Innocent
I hope to contribute to Catalyst 2030 by sharing my expertise in refugee initiatives, initiating and participating in collaborative projects, advocating for sustainable practices, and offering mentorship and resources to fellow members. From the community, I seek networking opportunities, learning and development, inspiration, collaborative support, and access to tools and resources to enhance my impact. By engaging with passionate and like-minded individuals.
Judith Kansiime
One of my our board members (Dr Elizabeth Sheehan) recommended that i should join.
Joseph Elshaddai Sebandeke
By sharing community experiences from success stories to community dynamic
Allen Muhire
To collaborate with fellow youth leaders and i look forward to sharing my gender expertise experience
Brian Tumwesigye
To meet and collaborate with change makers as we solve aquatic conservation issues on fresh water resources
Sheila Ampumuza
To showcase the impact of our work to other communities, to network with other entities and find funding.
Bonnita Tukwatanise
As Treescape, our motivation to join the Catalyst 2030 community stems from our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. We aim to contribute our expertise in tree planting and conservation efforts to help address global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss. In return, we hope to receive support, collaboration opportunities, and resources to scale our impact and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.
Abubaker Sekatuka
I hope to build international relations with key partners connected through Catalyst and leverage these connections to build a solid foundation for Sharing Circles. I will share my expertise, resources and stories of impact to create visibility of the impact made by Catalyst in my local community.
"I am motivated to join Catalyst 2030 because it provides a unique platform for collaboration and collective impact in addressing global challenges. As the founder of Rwamwanja Women Empowerment, I see the opportunity to amplify our efforts in GBV prevention and livelihood support by connecting with like-minded organizations and accessing resources that Catalyst 2030 offers. By being a part of this dynamic network, we aim to enhance our impact and contribute meaningfully to the shared goal.
Ntabaza Chirimwami Micheal
I'd like to contribute member led movement my knowledge and skills in voluntary manner with a collaboration between all members to solve effectively community problems and tackle root causes of each problem,.... and I expect to cover my weaknesses in leaderships, communication, mentorships skills and boost networking systems,...
Boris Bulayev
By ensuring the efficient and effective delivery of programs and services, maximize the impact of the charity's efforts on the community. This meticulous management ensures that resources are optimally utilized and that support reaches those who need it most, thereby fostering positive development outcomes. By serving as the face of the charity and advocating for children's issues and galvanize community engagement and support.
Martin Bakundana
I am attending a 3 day Mental Wellness Summit in Dakar Senegal 🇸🇳. I met a friend who told me about the Catalyst 2030 community and I felt like it's the kind of community my organisation and I have been looking for. Having joined this industry in 2019, we have made several strides towards attainment of our organisational objectives. However, we need a community of like minded people who can advise us, guide us, empower us, encourage us, and generally help us along this journey. Thank you.
Joseph Arineitwe
I hope to share my experiences of running a non profit in the slums of of urban communities and hope to learn from others through their experiences and best practices
Magamba Micheal
I wanted to learn, network and transform my community through my organizational mission
Sylvia Nalubega
Masika Meresi
To connect, network, work with people who are making a positive impact in this world.
Emmanuel Okiria
Support Collaboration: As a person I can help connect ideas and people by facilitating sector dialogue, helping to align different stakeholders, and assisting with brainstorming and ideation processes. Opportunities for Impactful Collaboration: I’m interested in being part of projects or conversations where I can help generate new ideas, solve problems, and facilitate progress toward shared goals. Being involved in meaningful, long-term efforts for positive social change.
Zachery Onyango
We hope to contribute to promoting the community and it's activities so that more members can join to contribute to achieving the community's mission. We are looking to receive collaboration, partnership to secure funding which is currently our greatest challenge for our community interventions in the field of Education, Access to clean and Safe water, Economic empowerment and Environment Conservation