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Fundación Capital: Reducing the digital gap

11 November 2021 | Member Stories

Fundación Capital Catalyst 2030 member story
Catalyst member Fundación Capital Fundación Capital is a Columbia based organisation that helps people who are living in poverty and who face social, economic and environmental vulnerability, mainly in Africa and Latin America.

Sustainable Development Goal targets

SDG 1 No Povery SDG 5 Gender Equality SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth SDG 10 Reduced inequalities SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals

Social entrepreneurs are known for finding solutions to society’s problems. What is the problem that you are addressing and what is your solution? 

There are inequities such as the digital gap, financial exclusion, and lack of opportunities for jobs, especially for women and youth. Fundación Capital works to advance economic citizenship in order to solve these problems through programmes implemented in partnership with governments, social organisations, and companies. The programmes involve the development of digital solutions, training, and support to the needs of each community.

What do you see as the benefit of your Catalyst 2030 membership?

Catalyst 2030 has advanced our understanding of systemic change. By collaborating  with other organisations that are working towards achieving the SDGs, we were able to deepen our understanding of how to work in partnerships and of ideas promoted in other parts of the world.

Are you collaborating with any other Catalyst 2030 members?

Yes. Fundación Capital has collaborated with Barefoot College International and Ashoka.

 Link to website

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