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Advancing Women Leadership in Business and Climate Action

02 May 2023 | 13:00 - 14:00
Social entrepreneur meet and greet networking events, Workshops, seminars and lessons
Online/offline hybrid regional and country events

Climate change is a global crisis, affecting every human around the world. However, systemic barriers hinder women’s ability to effectively prepare for and respond to climate impacts affecting them. Attempts to ensure climate justice and lasting solutions without including the voices of half of the world’s population, women, are doomed to fail. Yet, women are still underrepresented in climate-related decision-making and business activities, resulting in processes that overlook their specific needs and crucial contributions.
A better involvement and integration of women into decision-making and activities at all levels are key to delivering climate mitigation and adaptation policies and solutions. At YEH we support Women-led/owned social businesses that play an important role in tackling climate change and delivering climate-resilient solutions.

The hosts

Sustainable development goals

SDG 13 - Climate Action SDG 17 - Partnerships to achieve the Goal SDG 5 - Gender Equality

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