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Commercialisation and added value for smallholder farmers in Africa

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 months ago by Chitundu Malunda.
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  • #29181
    José Maria Menendez

    I´m providing consultancy for a project to add value to the crops of smallholders though commercialisation, transformation, quality, etc. in Mozambique. I´d like to receive any suggestion, experiences, publications… about this issue: Structure, legal forms, commissions, risks…
    Thanks a lot in advance

    Chitundu Malunda

    Good day. I am working on a similar project in Zambia and Malawi. Kindly share your contact so that we can share notes. Thank you

    José Maria Menendez

    Dear Chitundu,

    I´m sorry for the delay in answering you. I was on holidays travelling abroad and not very connected, really.
    I´m very interested in keep in sharing learnings and challenges. My email is and whatsapp: +34626287947

    Best wishes

    José Maria Menendez

    Sorry, I´m repeating this message, as I´have not received answer yet

    Dear Chitundu,

    I´m sorry for the delay in answering you. I was on holidays travelling abroad and not very connected, really.
    I´m very interested in keep in sharing learnings and challenges. My email is and whatsapp: +34626287947

    Chitundu Malunda

    Dear Jose,
    Sincere apologies. I just saw your response.
    Let me get in touch right away.


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