Rigorous Evaluation versus Trust-Based Learning This article delves into the ongoing debate within the philanthropic sector regarding the perceived tension between rigorous evaluation and trust-based learning approaches. By examining whether this dichotomy is valid,...
Capacity building and training
The Economist: The future of philanthropy will involve a mix of different approaches
Exploring the Future of Philanthropy The Economist's special report delves into the evolving landscape of philanthropy, predicting a shift towards a diverse range of approaches. Highlighting innovative models and emerging trends, the report emphasizes the need for...
Take the quiz: how decolonized are you?
How Decolonized Are You? Embark on a thought-provoking journey with the "How Decolonized Are You?" quiz by Adeso Africa. This engaging quiz delves into the concept of decolonization, prompting introspection and reflection on your understanding of decolonized...
Advancing Participation in Philanthropy Tool (APPT)
Advancing Participation in Philanthropy Tool: Empowering Impactful Engagement Discover the Advancing Participation in Philanthropy Tool, designed to enhance engagement and maximize impact in philanthropic endeavors. This comprehensive resource offers innovative...
Equitable Giving Toolkit: Susan Davis of Segal
Check this Google Drive folder that contains lots of resources about decolonizing philanthropy, Equitable system change, and much more...
Time to End the Dominance of Short-term Grants
Shifting the Landscape: Ending the Reign of Short-Term Grants In this comprehensive report, delve into the compelling evidence advocating for the transition away from the prevalence of short-term grants in favor of multi-year funding models. The document meticulously...
Globalization: A Full-Circle Approach to Localisation
Understanding Glocalization: Exploring the Local-Global Connection This article delves into the fascinating phenomenon of glocalization, highlighting the intricate relationship between local and global dynamics. Through vivid examples and insightful analysis, it...
A Bold Vision for Philanthropy: What if the 1% donates 10%
What if the 1% Gave 10%? Longview presents an insightful exploration into the philanthropic landscape, probing the question, "What if the 1% Gave 10%?" Delving into the realm of societal impact and wealth distribution, this thought-provoking analysis challenges...
How Collective Abundance is Revolutionising Climate Philanthropy in Europe
How can we embrace Collective Abundance and build resilient communities? At Collective Abundance, we champion a vision of interconnectedness and empowerment, striving to create resilient communities worldwide. Through collaborative efforts and innovative initiatives,...
Exploring Cogenerational Funding: Insights from 10 Grantees
Cogenerational Funding: Insights from 10 Grantees Discover the evolving dynamics of cogenerational funding as showcased by 10 pioneering grantees. This article delves into innovative approaches to intergenerational collaboration, offering a glimpse into how...