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Luxembourg – Checklist of achievements

The Luxembourg Government Champions for Social Innovation and Impact (GCSII) Working Group aims to consolidate efforts and expedite the expansion of the global social innovation sector, emphasizing the active involvement of the government.

National Strategy

Work in progress


Specific Funding

  • Various support measures and funding opportunities at public and private level
  • European Social Fund + funding opportunities
  • Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte
  • Microlux

Regulatory Framework

Law of December 12th, 2016 creating social impact companies

Law of August 7th, 2023 of non-profit associations and foundations

Ecosystem Catalysers (national or regional)

Social Business Incubator

Leading Ministries

Ministry of Labour – Social and Solidarity Economy department

Gov. Representatives in Charge

Ms. Vanessa Schummer, Head of the Social and Solidarity Economy department at the Ministry of Labour

Flagship Programmes/ achievements

Legal framework since 2016

Launch of the Social Business Incubator, a competence center for social economy and social innovation, and the national social economy gateway in September 2022

Specific label for social impact companies – Impact Luxembourg

Impact Luxembourg – Ready to take the challenge? – Workshop offer for students of all age on social entrepreneurship

Touch BASE – Be.A.Social.Entrepreneur. – Tailor-made support for social entreprenurs to be

Sector Size

2% of national GDP, 4% of national employment, more than 2150 entities among which 2/3 are non-profit associations, 65 social impact companies

Network organisations




Currently, there exists no mapping of public and private social innovation stakeholders. However, we can state that the social innovation ecosystem consists of public entities, such as, for instance, the national agency promoting innovation as well as of private entities, e.g. social enterprises and their umbrella organization ULESS, together with businesses trying to align social impact and business strategies. Academia are also actively involved.

Biggest societal challenges

Poverty reduction, affordable housing, climate crisis.

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