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Membership Engagement

The membership journey at Catalyst 2030 is about building networks of diverse individuals and organisations who are committed to working towards achieving larger, systems-level social impact. We call these catalytic networks.

To build catalytic networks, our new members onboarding is a collaborative process foundational to fostering membership connections, collaborative leadership, and the co-creation of solutions.

From onboarding to engagement, Catalyst 2030 members can find different opportunities including:

  • Network and Connection
  • Bonding and Wellbeing
  • Peer Support
  • Learning and Capacity Building
  • Engagement for Possible Collaboration
  • Leadership Development

Membership Journey: Community Building and Engagement Opportunities

For more information on the different types of engagement opportunities, click on each of the blocks below.

Onboarding to Catalyst 2030
downwards arrow

Engagement opportunities at global, regional and local levels

Network and Connection

Peer Support

Learning and Capacity Building

a down arrow

Impact amplification and acceleration

Funding Resources Exploration

downwards arrow

Catalyst 2030 Vision

Community building to progress the SDGs

Find out More

To understand more about our membership experience, hover over and click on the different opportunities. If you want to join our network, go ahead and complete our membership application form.

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The Catalyst 2030 membership onboarding journey is an interesting and engaging process to help you to expand your knowledge and enhance your skills as a social innovator.

As a social entrepreneur or innovator who may be working across a range of sectors from government and business to academia and the donor community, you are invited to join our fast-growing global movement. This will assist you in building networks of diverse people and organisations who are united in collective action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

New members will participate in an interactive onboarding session. This will be your first opportunity to interact with other members and leaders over Zoom. As a member, you will have access to our online platforms where you can interact with other social innovators from around the world, make new friends and expand your networks. These are essential to creating lasting systems-level change.

Once you have attended the membership onboarding session you will be invited to participate in a group or a one-to-one Zoom call with a Membership Team Facilitator before being invited to participate in several of the following membership engagement opportunities.

Catalyst 2030: SDGs and Community Building

The active participation of Catalyst 2030 members in working towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is reflected in collaborations within the network. Their commitment is critical for the impact that collaborations make. But their real value lies in the resulting communities of catalysts that emerge to build and sustain a movement of changemakers, committed to improving the lives of all. In this way, the SDGs can be realised and systemic change enabled.