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Al-Ahd Association for Development (AAD)

* Disabilities: Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR). Children ( Evaluations – Health care – Education - Behavior modification sessions – Pronunciation sessions ..etc.) Families (Seminars – Meetings – Supporting families financially by linking them with loan providers – economic and financial trainings ..etc.) Community (Awareness programs – NGOs capacity building – University students trainings - Preparing workers in the disability sector ..etc.). * Youth: Social Raising youth awareness of society issues such as (Anti-bullying – Others acceptance - Anti-drugs – Anti-racism ..etc.) Cultural Supporting youth groups (arts - plays – music ..etc.) Athlete Supporting youth sports that enhance the values ​​of participation and teamwork Educational Providing training courses such as ( Languages – Skills development - Self-assurance ..etc.) Qualification for the labor market Providing training courses such as ( Management – Accounting ..etc. ) * Local Community: - Poverty Reduction - Reduce unemployment - Preserving the environment - Acceptance of others with different orientations and backgrounds

Headquarter Country


Geographies served


Issue areas addressed

Diversity & Inclusion

Communities served

Children Youth Women People with disabilities

SDGs focus

SDG 17 - Partnerships to achieve the Goal SDG 5 - Gender Equality


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