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Freidrich Schiller University

The Jena Declaration (TJD) TJD calls for a global activation of the planet’s citizen from the ground to reach sustainability through culturally and regionally adapted ways. It is endorsed by its founding partners The Club of Rome and the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS), as well as many culturally, regionally and socially oriented sustainability initiatives and a big number of UNESCO and UN linked organizations. The ultimate aim of the declaration is to create momentum to enable a deep, but peaceful societal transformation towards living sustainably around the globe by mobilizing the everyday actors, the ordinary citizens in their living contexts and connect them on a broad front for change. To and with this, TJD calls for a double shift of paradigm in sustainability policies: from the top-downwards to a ground-upward approach , and from the ecological nature to society to a culture to nature approach. With its aims and claims and in order to master the enormous challenges humanity is facing today, TJD also pays special attention to the needed rebuild of educational programs and school curricula at all levels with a global perspective, from primary school up to the highest university qualifications and related leadership culture. The declaration builds on global survey among sustainability experts from around the world and a related conference ( on the cultural and regional dimensions of global sustainability, organized by the Jena based UNESCO-Chair on Global Understanding for Sustainability. Leading members of the World Academy of Art & Science, The Club of Rome, Academia Europaea, International Council for Philosophy and the Human Sciences, International Science Council, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Canadian and German Commissions for UNESCO as well as the International Geographical Union count as the founding partners. So far, more than 900 signatories – including more than 150 Institutional Signatories and over 20 Active Partners (another 30 are in preparation – are already supporting TJD (see:

Headquarter Country


Geographies served


Issue areas addressed

Circular Economy

Communities served

Environment Indigenous peoples Youth

SDGs focus

SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities


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