Green Bio Energy Ltd
What makes GBE stand out is its vision and application of innovation, which it calls “Briketism”, an approach that has guided all its decisions since the very beginning of its activity with the Briketi Charchaol Briquettes, and made the enterprise what it is today. It is first translating in its local content strategy: GBE exclusively uses local human and material resources all along its value chain. For its supplies, GBE has built strong partnerships notably with charcoal retailers to recycle their charcoal dust, and with communities to process their organic waste. For the distribution of its products, GBE always favors its network of youth and women independent micro-entrepreneurs that GBE trains to introduce and distribute its products in communities at the BoP (Bottom of the Pyramid).
This vision also encompasses the products development, for which GBE positions itself at the crossroad of the Western technological expertise and the local innovation capacity. Since its creation, GBE has followed a bottom-up approach, always including local communities in its design & testing process.
Headquarter Country
Geographies served
Issue areas addressed
Climate Livelihoods
Communities served
People in poverty Children Women
SDGs focus
SDG 10 - Reduced Inequality SDG 13 - Climate Action SDG 5 - Gender Equality SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy