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Lucas Melara and Company (LM&Co)

We experience the transforming power of design, brands and creative communities. Lucas Melara holds a Master's Degree in Design from the Graduate Program of FAAC/UNESP Bauru, in the Product Planning line, where he also became a Bachelor of Design. He is part of the Contemporary Design Research Group: Systems, objects, culture, works at the Teaching, Research and Extension Laboratory in Contemporary Design, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Mônica Moura. He is a collaborator of the Solidarity Design Laboratory-LabSol, coordinated by Profs. Drs. Claudio Roberto y Goya and Ana Beatriz Pereira de Andrade. Lucas researches the relationship between Design, the 17 SDGs - Sustainable Development Goals in the creative economy, where he also works as chief designer at LM & Companhia, a design agency for social impact and sustainability.

Headquarter Country


Geographies served

Argentina Brazil United States

Issue areas addressed

Circular Economy

Communities served

Artisans Children Elderly

SDGs focus

SDG 4 - Quality Education


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