Maher: Building a Better India, Inspiring a Better World Maher is a 24-year old non-governmental organization ( that provides care and shelter to destitute women, children and men also undertakes community development programs in six Indian states and over 624 villages. In 2017, Maher was awarded “Special Consultative Status” by the United Nations. From One Home to More than 250 Villages
Maher which means “Mother’s Home” in Marathi was founded by Sr. Lucy Kurien in 1997 after she witnessed a horrifying incident where in a man burned alive his pregnant wife. This shocking incident prompted Sr. Lucy to open a small home for battered women and children in a village outside of Pune, India.
Sister Lucy started Maher activities in one small home near the village Vadhu Budruk near Bhima Koregaon on Ahmednagar highway. Her tireless efforts and the work of the dedicated staff led to the expansion of Maher activities to nearby areas. These include the villages in Shirur, Haveli and Khed talukas as also the city of Ratnagiri, Miraj & Satara in Maharashtra. Beyond Maharashtra, Maher has established homes in Kerala, Jharkhand, Kolkata, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. In 2011, unable to ignore the plight of abandoned men on the streets, Maher opened its first home for destitute, aged and mentally challenged men. Today Maher reaches the life of the poorest of the poor through as many as 24 different outreach projects including 624 village self-help groups and 58 interfaith, caste-free homes that currently shelter 984 children and 142 men and over 572 destitute women in the Indian stares of Maharashtra, Kerala, Kolkata, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Jharkhand. Since its founding, Maher has provided care and shelter for more than 5000 children and 5,900 women.
Lighting the Way for India and the World
A model for non-government organizations in India and internationally, Maher’s methods have been extensively documented in Women Healing Women: A Model of Hope for Oppressed Women Everywhere and Dignity from Despair: A Step-by-Step Guide for Transforming the Lives of Women and Children. Maher and Sr. Lucy were featured in the Austrian documentary film Sister Heart. Other books include Beyond an Encounter in Art Austria - India edited by Kultuzeforman, Sneha Veedu written by Maher staff member E.R. Vijayan of Kerala, Life is Love by the Maher students, Mazya Maera by Dr. Hemant Devasthali, and Nainihall – Maher by Prof. Vasant Ambade. Maher receives support from many individuals and companies in India. Maher Friends groups in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, the U.K. and the U.S. provide financial and volunteer support. The organization’s innovative model and positive outcomes result in residential stays for several hundred European and Indian social work students annually. When Maher leaders travel internationally, they frequently provide staff in-services for non-profit organizations and lead camps, conferences and leadership program activities.
Headquarter Country
Geographies served
Issue areas addressed
Disaster & Emergency Management Water
Communities served
People with disabilities Children Women Elderly
SDGs focus
SDG 1 - No Poverty SDG 10 - Reduced Inequality SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being SDG 4 - Quality Education SDG 5 - Gender Equality SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth