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Mukadzi Munhuwo Women’s Forum

The initiative was founded in 2019 in Norton, Zimbabwe after observing that our respective community of Norton had many single mothers, widows and girls who were margina ised and excluded from accessing basic education and health due to many socio-economic. It ,Implement programmes aimed at eradicating all harmful social norms , religious and cultural beliefs, attitudes and practices that legitimize the acceptance of GBV at all levels.Implement initiatives for care, support and protection of GBV survivors . It also offers Legal aid to women . Mukadzi Munhuwo envisions a world d where th e underprivileged are given the opportunity to get a better life for themselves and their families through education. We have taken the complete charge of assisting the community and women. Helping women by providing health care and education. Most of these community lack the necessary funds and resources to fund their studies and take care of their health needs on their own. Helping them to develop their thinking and creative skills through education which will not only enable them to break the vicious cycle of poverty but will also make them a responsible citizen of their country by becoming a change agent. We would like a create a world where everyone from all walks of life can enjoy life with dignity, good health, sufficient food, and income security to meet basic needs. By having a proper education, it makes it possible to reach these goals.

Headquarter Country


Geographies served


Issue areas addressed


Communities served

Girls Women Abuse or exploitation victims

SDGs focus

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequality SDG 13 - Climate Action SDG 17 - Partnerships to achieve the Goal SDG 5 - Gender Equality


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