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Uma prajapati is a visionary, conscious activist and founder of a conscious fashion brand Upasana . She lives in Auroville, a spiritual community in the south of India. She is currently on Ocean Mission under UN with her iconic project “Tsunamika ocean my home”. She heads a few social projects, guides young entrepreneurs, does strategy planning for NGOs and teaches conscious fashion nationally and internationally.  nnnUPASANAn www.upasana.innn Upasana, is a conscious clothing company located in Auroville, Tamil Nadu in southern India, is a place where creativity, fashion, design, Indian culture, business, social responsibility and spiritual progress get woven seamlessly together. Upasana’s design philosophy - “Design for Change “.Fashion has power, the power to change lives. nThe lives of farmers, spinners, weavers, printers, tailors, designers and many more who have invisibly woven their souls into what we wear. nUpasana honours them all, consciously, at every stage of crafting our products. nShifting fashion to touch the soul instead of just the body, we believe life is interconnected. Beauty is beyond vanity. The process of creation is as precious to us as giving you a beautiful product. nWe honour flaws in weaving as part of honouring life, streak of shade in dye as part of natural shades. We silently celebrate the fading of natural dyes as we gracefully watch ourselves change through time. We design for mortality while honouring life, nature and inner growth.nnnSocial Projects nTsunamika - A living symbolnStarted as a trauma counseling effort for fisherwomen after the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004, today more than five million Tsunamika dolls are made and sent to over 80 countries. Tsunamika has now become a ’symbol of hope’. They are gifts of love and friendship. The raw material came from industrial waste and more than 600 women were taught to make them. nTsunamika runs on ’gift economy’ - it is never sold, but given. The project runs on community support where people take dolls and contribute as per their capacity. Tsunamika project has been given the ’Award of Excellence’  by the Government of India and a special recognition by UNESCO.nwww.tsunamika.orgn Smallsteps - For a big changenSmallsteps is a green campaign which was launched as a solution to the environmental problem of plastic carry bags. We encourage people to avoid the usage of plastic bags by carrying their own shopping bag. Smallsteps, however, is more than just a bag. Women from more than 14 villages work to make these bags. Smallsteps believes that solutions to our problems lie in every little step we take every

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Issue areas addressed

Biodiversity & Ecosystems Circular Economy Climate Education Livelihoods

SDGs focus

SDG 14 - Life Below Water


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