Catalyst 2030
Catalyst 2030 is a fast-growing global movement of people and organisations committed to Social Innovation.
By joining forces with communities, governments, businesses, and other organizations, Catalyst 2030 members are driving social innovation and transforming systems at all levels through collective action and bold new strategies.
Countries represented
Member organisations
Individual members
Countries represented
Individual members
Member organisations
Members participated in 24 listening circles
Members participated in data collection
Members answered the annual survey
Catalyst 2030 is a global movement of social innovators from all sectors working together to drive systemic change and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In this impact report, we proudly showcase the stories of our members and present data on the impact generated by our collaborations and initiatives. The following pages highlight the collective efforts of our dedicated members and the unwavering support of our partners, demonstrating the power of collaboration in creating meaningful change. As we share our achievements, we invite you to join us on this ongoing journey towards a more sustainable and equitable world.
Download the full report to explore how Catalyst 2030 members are creating a better future for all!
Our Impact report is available in different languages:
The Awards aim to accelerate systems change by celebrating key individuals and organizations in social innovation.
Catalyst 2030 members urgently seek to find, fund, and support transformative solutions to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We believe collaborative systems change, involving philanthropists, donor organizations, impact investors, and corporate funders, is essential for supporting social innovators and entrepreneurs.
The ceremony will take place in Bogotá on 13 March 2025.
Featured Highlights
Catalyst 2030 Awards
We asked the question “Who is best at helping social innovators to change the world?”
We celebrated the Catalyst 2030 Awards finalists and winners for 2023, live from Spencer House, London, 7 November.
Catalysing Change Week 2024
The theme of CCW2024 was dedicated to how to Build the Social Innovation Sector, which put into the spotlight a grassroots-up approach to innovation and development as the root of all meaningful transformation.
Accelerating Impact Through Collaborative Actions
2024 Edition of Pathways to Transforming Education
A Toolkit for Systems Leaders to Co-Create the Pathways to Collaboration.
Shifting Funding Practices
Join us in calling on donors and funders to remodel their traditional practices to more effectively support grassroots organisations and sustainable social impact.
Posts from the Media Hub
Enimpact is a unique opportunity for Brazil to tackle social inequalities
by Gisela Solymos | Catalyst 2030 Brazil launches a letter of support and suggestions for the National Strategy for Impact Economy decree.
Opportunities for social innovators (October 2023)
These resources, opportunities and events are from social innovation organisations in Catalyst 2030’s ecosystem.
Africa – Public health and disease modelling
If you are working on health and disease modelling in Africa, you will be interested in a call for proposals for a new programme.
Member and Collaboration Posts
Wanting tools for better systems change, collaboration and fundraising?
How are Catalyst 2030 members collaborating to reach the SDGs?
Media Hub
Want to learn more about Catalyst 2030 news, members and their work?
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