Systems Change Awards 2022 finalists announced as movement celebrates successes
Catalyst 2030 has announced the finalists of the annual Systems Change Awards 2022 as our movement celebrates individuals and organisations that are driving co-creative collaborations to confront some of the world’s most pressing problems.
The Systems Change Awards 2022, now in its second year, celebrates the successes of social innovators and entrepreneurs, non-profits, funders, government and business leaders and their work in pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using systems change approaches. From poverty, food insecurity and unequal access to education, skills training and healthcare, our movement’s members and allies have focused their collaborative energy to confront these systemic challenges over the past year.
Our General Assembly, seven jurors and a 12-member awards committee, co-chaired by Social Imperative, Founder and Board Member, Matthew Bishop and Breakthrough CEO Sohini Bhattacharya, selected more than 60 finalists from a total of 200 nominees.
The 2022 finalists cut across sectors and include leaders who have continuously distinguished themselves in their work to make the world a fairer place for everyone. Their focus on the development and implementation of strategies geared towards the achievement of ambitious SDGs by 2030 is commendable and worthy of celebration.
The winners of the global awards will be announced on 22 June 2022 at the Catalyst 2030 Systems Change Awards 2022 virtual ceremony. We congratulate all the nominees and finalists.
This year’s finalists include the following individuals and organisations in alphabetical order by awards category:
- Itaú, Brazil
- Lavazza Group, Italy
- L’Oreal Paris, India
- SAP, Germany
1. Leader in Learning
- Azim Premji Foundation, India
- Pathy Family Foundation, Canada
- Paul Hamlyn Foundation, United Kingdom
- Veddis Foundation, India
- Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, United States
2. Leader in Trust
- HalfMyDaf, United States
- Human Capability Foundation, United Kingdom
- Pathy Family Foundation, Canada
- Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, United States
- Women Moving Millions, United States
3. Leader in Partnership
- Fundación Comunitaria de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
- Veddis Foundation, India
- Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, United States
- Women Moving Millions, United States
4. Leader in Collaboration
- Cartier Philanthropy, Switzerland
- H&M Foundation, Sweden
- Imago Dei Fund, United States
- MacArthur Foundation, United States
- Wellspring Philanthropic Fund, United States
1. Africa
- Kwale County Government and Ummah Initiative Group, Kenya
- Ministry of Health/Government of The Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho, Lesotho
2. Americas
- Alcaldía de Condoto, Colombia
- City of Orlando, Florida, United States
3. Asia Pacific
- State of Maharashtra, India
- Victorian Government, Australia
4. Europe
- Pact for Impact, Government of France, France
- Government of Spain, Spain
- Bahrain Science Centre for SDGs (BSC), Bahrain
- Government of Jordan Social Security Corporation (SSC), Jordan
Multilaterals and Bilaterals
- European Commission, Belgium
- Global Affairs Canada – “Canada Helping Women and Girls” Initiative, Canada
- Sida – Regional Cooperation in Africa, Sweden
Visit the Awards website: Awards