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7R Waste Management Crew

Collaboration = Innovation as said by Michael Dell - When Like minds meet, the innovation is exponential, and when we all are working towards a planet Earth, there is no competition. We as a team shall Collaborate to innovate and solve world-pressing Climate issues. Action as a Team to achieve : #1 Collaboration for Innovation. SOP to be developed and an action plan. #2 Sharing best practices across all members. #3 Implementation of Innovation to reach maximum Target customer during the pilot stage. #4 Implementation of Innovation to reach maximum Target customer during the Growth stage. #5 Once a month Meeting. #6 Once a Quarter: Webinar for Innovation. #7 Yearly Mega event [ Physical / Virtual ] - Rotating every Country.

Collaboration stage



Member Facilitated

Number of members



Shiv Challa Simi Mishra


Lana Koubaitary

SDG Focus

SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production SDG 17 - Partnerships to achieve the Goal SDG 9 - Industry Innovation and Infrastructure

Issues addressed

Circular Economy

Collaboration needs

Funding Support Knowledge & Resources Marketing & Communications Operational Support Policy & Advocacy Support Stakeholder Connections Technology Support




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