Pathways to Transforming Education details how we can adopt evidence-based learning principles and collaboratively revolutionise education.
Influence for Good: How Highly Resourced Individuals Could Work Towards Positive Systemic Change
Influence for Good looks at how the influence of highly resourced individuals can be used for good in an ethically responsible way.
Unlocking the Social Economy Towards an Inclusive and Resilient Society
The report looks at ways to reduce common barriers that keep the social economy from reaching its potential.
Catalysing Change 2022
“Catalysing Change 2022” tells the movement’s story over the last two years and highlights seven lessons for growing “catalytic networks”
Legal reform as a catalyst for social enterprise: an international social enterprise law & policy report
This social enterprise law and policy report identifies legal structures and policies that nations can adopt to advance social enterprises.
Embracing Complexity: Towards a Shared Understanding of Funding Systems Change
How can systems change across the world be financed more effectively? How can change be better supported for the benefit of society? “Embracing complexity – Towards a shared understanding of funding systems change” provides donors and investors, as well as charitable initiatives and organizations, with answers to these questions.