Rigorous Evaluation versus Trust-Based Learning This article delves into the ongoing debate within the philanthropic sector regarding the perceived tension between rigorous evaluation and trust-based learning approaches. By examining whether this dichotomy is valid,...
Funding Practices
The Economist: The future of philanthropy will involve a mix of different approaches
Exploring the Future of Philanthropy The Economist's special report delves into the evolving landscape of philanthropy, predicting a shift towards a diverse range of approaches. Highlighting innovative models and emerging trends, the report emphasizes the need for...
Time to End the Dominance of Short-term Grants
Shifting the Landscape: Ending the Reign of Short-Term Grants In this comprehensive report, delve into the compelling evidence advocating for the transition away from the prevalence of short-term grants in favor of multi-year funding models. The document meticulously...
A Bold Vision for Philanthropy: What if the 1% donates 10%
What if the 1% Gave 10%? Longview presents an insightful exploration into the philanthropic landscape, probing the question, "What if the 1% Gave 10%?" Delving into the realm of societal impact and wealth distribution, this thought-provoking analysis challenges...
Unrestricted Funding: The Core of Trust-Based Philanthropy
Empowering Philanthropy: The Power of Unrestricted Funding Dive into "Limitless: Why Unrestricted Funding is at the Heart of Trust-Based Philanthropy" to explore the pivotal role of unrestricted funding in philanthropic endeavors. This article advocates for a paradigm...
How MacKenzie Scott Shares Her Financial Fortune Analysis
MacKenzie Scott's Philanthropic Strategy: An Analysis Explore the profound impact of MacKenzie Scott's philanthropy in this insightful analysis. Delving into her financial fortune, the article sheds light on Scott's unique approach to giving and its implications for...
The Effects of MacKenzie Scott’s Large, Unrestricted Gifts: Results from Year Two of a Three-Year Study
Unveiling the Impact of Major Philanthropic Gifts Discover the impact of major philanthropic gifts through the comprehensive 'Big Gifts Study Report.' This insightful document examines the effects of MacKenzie Scott's substantial donations, providing valuable insights...
Deploying Funding for Scale: Four Lessons from Funders
Discover Funding Potential: Lessons from Scaling Initiatives Discover invaluable insights into scaling funding strategies from funders' experiences. In this insightful article, learn about four crucial lessons gleaned from funders who have navigated the complexities...
Deploying Funding for Scale: Four Lessons from Funders
Deploying Funding for Scale At CEP (Center for Effective Philanthropy), delve into the intricacies of deploying funding for scale through insightful lessons gleaned from experienced funders. This resource serves as a rich repository of knowledge, offering invaluable...
Embracing Flexibility in Funding: IVAR’s Accountability Process
On the "Flexible Funders" page by IVAR (the Institute for Voluntary Action Research), you'll delve into the dynamic world of funding flexibility. IVAR explores the crucial role of adaptability and responsiveness in grant-making, highlighting the importance of...